Bespoke Products Quote Name* First Second Club / Organisation / CompanyEvent NamePhone*Email* BESPOKE PRODUCT TYPE-- Please Select --BESPOKE MEDALSBESPOKE BADGESBESPOKE KEYRINGSBESPOKE TIE SLIDES & CUFFLINKSBESPOKE LANYARDSBESPOKE WOVEN/EMBROIDERED BADGESBESPOKE MEDALSMEDAL SIZE**If you are not sure, please provide approximate size.THICKNESS*-- Please Select --3 mm (standard)Other (please specify in Additional Information Section)Not sureMEDAL SHAPE*-- Please Select --RoundRectangularCustom shape ( Please specify in Additional Information Section)MATERIAL*-- Please Select --Non precious metal-Brass, Iron, Zinc Alloy (standard)Precious metal (sterling silver)PVC (Rubber)ENAMEL (COLOUR)*-- Please Select --YesNo colourNot sureENAMEL TYPE (if applicable):-- Please Select --Hard Enamel ImitationSoft EnamelSoft Enamel + EpoxyNot sureQUANTITY REQUIRED*Please note that minimum order quantity is 50 pcs. If you require more than one plating colour(e.g. gold, silver and bronze)- please specify how many pcs of each colour.SINGLE SIDED/DOUBLE SIDED MEDAL*-- Please Select --Design on front onlyDesign on front and backMEDAL PLATING COLOUR*-- Please Select --GoldSilverBronzeMore than one colourRIBBON TYPE (if applicable)-- Please Select --Printed- multiple colours ( patterns ,text, logos etc.)Single colour no printSingle colour with 1 colour printed text/logoStriped ( e.g. club colours)RIBBON WIDTH (if applicable)-- Please Select --30 MM (standard)25 mm (standard)Other (Please state in additional Information)PRESENTATION BOX*-- Please Select --YesNoENGRAVING REQUIRED:-- Please Select --YesNoNot sureADDITIONAL INFORMATIONBESPOKE BADGESPIN SIZE*Please specify approx. measurementsTHICKNESS*-- Please Select --1.3 mm (standard)Other – please specify in Additional Information SectionPIN SHAPE*-- Please Select --ROUNDRECTANGULARCUSTOM SHAPE – please specify in Additional Information SectionMATERIAL*-- Please Select --METALPVC ( Rubber)FINISH (metal Pins)-- Please Select --Soft EnamelSoft Enamel + EpoxyHard Enamel ImitationNo Enamel, metal onlyAntique (Brushed Metal ) Finish No EnamelAntique (Brushed Metal )+ EnamelNot SureQUANTITY REQUIRED*Please note that minimum order quantity is 50 pcsPLATING COLOUR-- Please Select --GOLDSILVERBRONZEATTACHMENT TYPE-- Please Select --Pin and gripSafety PinADDITIONAL INFORMATIONBESPOKE KEYRINGSSIZE**Please specify approximate measurements.QUANTITY REQUIRED*Please note that minimum order quantity is 50 pcsKEYRING SHAPE*-- Please Select --RoundRectangularCustom shape (Please specify in Additional Information section)SINGLE SIDED/DOUBLE SIDED DESIGN*-- Please Select --Design on front onlyDesign on front and backTHICKNESS*-- Please Select --2 mm3 mm (standard)4 mmOther (please specify)ENAMEL*-- Please Select --YesNo colourENAMEL TYPE*-- Please Select --Hard enamel ImitationSoft enamelSoft enamel coated with epoxy resinNot sureFINISH*-- Please Select --Shiny GoldShiny SilverShiny Bronze(copper)Antique Gold (Brushed Finish)Antique Silver (Brushed Finish)Antique Copper (Brushed Finish)Not SureADDITIONAL INFORMATIONBESPOKE CUFFLINKS AND TIE SLIDESSIZE OF THE FRONT PART**Please specify approx. measurementsQUANTITY REQUIRED*Please note that minimum order quantity is 50 pcs (25 pairs in case of cufflinks)SHAPE*-- Please Select --RoundRectangularCustom Shape (Please specify in Additional Info Section)ENAMEL*-- Please Select --YesNoENAMEL TYPE*-- Please Select --Hard Enamel Imitation (Recommended)Soft Enamel + EpoxyFINISH*-- Please Select --Shiny GoldShiny SilverShiny Bronze (Copper)Antique Gold (Brushed Finish)Antique Silver (Brushed Finish)Antique Copper (Brushed Finish)Not SureATTACHMENT-CUFFLINKS-- Please Select --Standard Swivel Cufflink FittingT-Bar and ChainATTACHMENT-TIE SLIDE-- Please Select --Standard Tie Slide FittingAlligator Clip*Please refer to examples shown here (link to cufflinks and tie slides static page that should open up in different window)ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONBESPOKE BRANDED LAYARDSLANYARD WIDTH*-- Please Select --10 mm15 mm20 mm25 mmFABRIC TYPE-- Please Select --Tubular Polyester (suitable for Screen Print only)Smooth Flat PolyesterNylonATTACHMENTSYou can select more than one attachment. Please see images of attachments here./link to bespoke lanyards pageMetal Lobster Claw HookMetal Wire Gate Snap HookMetal Loop ClipMetal Bolt Snap HookMetal Key ClipMetal Non Swivel HookMetal Swivel HookMetal Bull ClipMobile Phone StrapSafety BreakawayBadge ReelPlastic HookMetal BucklePlastic BuckleNot SurePRINT METHOD-- Please Select --Screen Print: Most popular; Best choice for simple text & logosSublimation Print: High quality & long lasting. Best choice for detailed logosQUANTITY REQUIRED**Please note that minimum order quantity is 100 pcsADDITIONAL INFORMATIONBESPOKE WOVEN/EMBROIDERED BADGESSIZE**Please specify approx. measurementsSHAPE*-- Please Select --RoundRectangularOvalShieldCustom Shape (Please specify in Additional Information Section)BADGE TYPE-- Please Select --Woven BadgeEmbroidered BadgeNot Sure*Please see examples of woven and embroidered badges here/ Link to Embroidered woven badges page that should be opening up in new window)BACKING-- Please Select --Iron OnSewn OnFINISH-- Please Select --Merrow BorderLaser CutNot Sure*Please see example here/ Link to Embroidered woven badges page that should be opening up in new window)QUANTITY REQUIRED*Please note that minimum order quantity is 50 pcs ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONDESIGN BRIEF/ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONDATE REQUIRED BY**Please note that lead time for bespoke products is 4-6 weeks MM slash DD slash YYYY UPLOAD ARTWORKPlease attach any file that might be relevant – club crest, logo, drawing, photo etc., any design elements you would like to incorporate. Club Crests and logos are best supplied in vector format .AI or .cdr file, PDF’s and high quality JPEGS are also acceptable. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: ai, pdf, jpg, cdr, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5. Newsletter I would like to subscribe to Lee Brothers Newsletter ( you can unsubscribe at any time)Consent* I have read and agreed to Terms and Conditions*Please attach any file that might be relevant - club crest, logo, drawing, photo etc., any design elements you would like to incorporate. Club Crests and logos are best supplied in vector format. AI or .cdr file, PDF's and high-quality JPEGS are also acceptable. *Please note that lead time for bespoke products is 4-6 weeks. *Please note that the minimum order quantity is 50pcs. If you require more then one plating colour(e.g gold, silver, and bronze) - please specify how many pcs of each colour. *If you are not sure, please provide approximate size.